Space Coast / Central Florida Industry Liasion Group Chapter Meeting
Topic: Preparing and Collecting Compensation Data and Policies for an OFCCP Audit
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (ET)
Cost: Free
Learning objectives: OFCCP’s audit scheduling letter requires employers to compile robust compensation data that typically must be pulled from several different systems and sources for two different annual workforce snapshots. OFCCP also requests relevant compensation policies, procedures and guidance documents. Attendees will learn about: (1) challenges employers have had collecting and reconciling the data and documents and best practices for meeting those challenges; (2) strategies for evaluating your pay data and positioning both your itemized listing 19 data and itemized listing 22 compensation self-evaluation for the audit; and (3) considerations for how to vet your policies and what to provide in the initial response.
Please RSVP to Aliysia Flocco by Friday November 22, 2024.
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